Jes Fernie and Theresa Bergne, Field Art Projects, co-curated Future Perfect, a public art programme for the Hengrove Ward, a residential area in south Bristol, built primarily in the post-war era.  The programme was funded by section 106 monies released through a major building development on the west side of Hengrove Park and were devolved to the Neighbourhood Partnership by planning officers in an effort to ensure that the programme should reflect the needs and wishes of local people.

Future Perfect was conceived following a series of discussions, artist talks, and excursions with local residents to explore the potential of commissioning artists to work in the public realm; to challenge the statement we encountered regularly when we started working that “there is no community in Hengrove” and to reflect a strong local desire to create opportunities for young people in the area. 

You can download a copy of the Evaluation produced by Professor Lynn Froggett and Dr Alastair Roy of the Psychosocial Research Unit of the University of Central Lancashire here.

For further information please go to the website:

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