Following a period of consultation with local residents Nils proposed a series of projects, Pieces of Play, which draw you across the small greens and parks scattered through housing. A footpath at Hengrove Park, and a series of discreet play areas draw you through the area to the Hengrove Community Centre and it’s new theatre curtain which includes drawings and photographs referring to the history of the area.

Nils Norman lives in London and works across the disciplines of art, architecture and urban planning. He is interested in ways in which public art can stimulate regeneration. Informed by local politics and developments in alternative economic, ecological systems, Norman’s work merges utopian alternatives with current urban design to create a humorous critique of the discrete histories and functions of public art and urban planning.

Play is an important conceptual and design element in much of his work, which is informed by extensive international research. He has created a number of playscapes, creative play structures and adventure playgrounds over the past ten years and is particularly interested in the introduction of risk into play.
Curtain being installed

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